Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Surreal Birdwatching

Ar ol esgeuluso y blog am fisoedd lawer, roedd yn syndod braf i mi ganfod fod rhywun wedi gadael sylw yma tra oeddwn i ffwrdd. Diolch i Ray am ei eiriau clen ac am hysbysebu ei flogiau rhyfeddol: Wonderful Welsh; blog am ddysgu cymraeg, fedrai ddychmygu i fod yn hynod ddefnyddiol i ddysgwyr eraill ac yn hynod ddiddorol i siaradwyr cymraeg gan ei fod yn rhoid perspective gwahanol arni ac yn gofyn lot o gwestiynau diddorol. 'mostlybirdingwithray', blog gwylio adar swreal, gwerth ei ddilyn os ydych yn mwynhau'r hobi poblogaidd yma.

Yn ogystal, hoffwn ddiolch i Ray am dynnu fy sylw i'r faith fy mod wedi llenwi fy mlog efo lluniau o adar bach del, lliwiau pastel a ceffylau. Mewn ymgais wan i ymddangos chydig mwy gwrol, dwi'n postio llun o ddynes boeth yn mwynhau dau beint o gwrw.

Thank you Ray for being the second person to comment on this blog (any comments are welcome and will be appreciated.) Ray left some very kind words and introduced me to a couple of his ace blogs. Wonderful Welsh concerns the challenge of learning the welsh language, I imagine it's a great resource for fellow welsh learners but for me it's an interesting perspective on a language that I speak and write fluently but quite informally and without much thought. Mostlybirdingwithray is a surreal birdwatching blog; don't think I need to say anymore about that, except that it's well good.

I must also thank Ray for bringing to my attention the fact that I have filled this blog with pictures of cute little birds, pastel colours and pony's. In a weak attempt to appear more manly I post a picture of a hot woman enjoying two pints of beer.


cftgdh said...

ffwwaaa, merch gardd cwrw rhiwiol!

phwwoar, sexy beer garden girl!

Ernest said...

Thanks for your kind advert for those blogs of mine.... yours is much more colourful than mine though. I'm still plugging away at the old language and also, strangely, getting older by the minute. ray