Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Swn 2010

Dyma fy ffefryn o'r ychydig bosteri nesi ddylunio yn ddiweddar ar gyfer gwyl Swn Caerdydd, 2010. Noson i rai rhwng 14 ac 18 yn unig ydi hon; siwr o fod yn wyllt iawn felly cadwch draw oedolion ac unrhyw un efo alergedd at offerynau pres. Mae dros 100 o fandiau eraill yn chwarae felly cymerwch olwg yn fama: www.swnfest.com

This is my favourite poster of the few that I recently designed for Cardiff's Swn Festival, 2010. It's a night for those aged between 14 and 18 only. It should be a wild night; keep away adults and anyone whose allergic to brass instruments. There are over a hundred other bands playing the festival so check here: www.swnfest.com


Ernest said...

What a smashing blog! Godidog! I put one of Alun Tan Lan's videos on my insgnificant little blog, and found your site while I was looking for the words.. I got the pictures instead. Anyhow, your cover artwork for Dyma'r Diwedd has appeared on said insignificant blog so I hope that is OK with you.

Ernest said...

I forgot to say what it was called... here we go then...