Dyma logo newydd DERWEN - Tîm Arbenigol Plant Anabl. Mae'r tîm yn gwasanaethu Gwynedd ac wedi cael enw newydd. Fe gysylltodd y gwasanaeth gyda fi ynglun a cael dylunio logo a delwedd i gyd fynd efo'r newid enw. Mi oeddynt yn awyddus i gael mewnbwn rhai o'r plant sydd yn gysylltiedig a'r gwasanaeth, felly mi gydweithiais gyda rhai o bobl ifanc Clwb Ieuenctid Canolfan Tŷ Cegin, Maesgeirchen i greu y goedden gardfwrdd sydd yn ymddangos yn y logo. Mi roedd y criw yn hollol wych ac fe beintiwyd lliwiau a patrymau gwefreiddiol. Dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r criw a'r staff yn Tŷ Cegin a Sian o'r Tîm Arbenigol am eu cymorth ac am neud fy ngwaith i mor hwylus!
Above is the new logo for DERWEN - Integrated Team for Disabled Children. The team serves Gwynedd and has recently been re-named. The service contacted me regarding designing a logo and image to go with their name-change. They wanted some of the young people connected with the service to have an input in the design process, I was lucky enough to get to work with some of the young people at Canolfan Tŷ Cegin Youth Club, Maesgeirchen, with whom I created the cardboard oak (derwen) which appears in the logo. The crew were brilliant and covered the tree with some awesome patterns and colours. I'm very grateful to the crew and staff at Tŷ Cegin and Sian from Derwen for their help and for making it a very enjoyable process.